Monday, May 14, 2012

The Schedule Is Here

I have received a few requests now for the schedule that I will be using starting July 1st. Well, here it is:

The Schedule

There are a few points that should be clarified:

1) There are roughly 5-7 chapters to read each day. It is a lot to read; but, if you get into the habit, it will not be very difficult.
2) There is a reflection day scheduled every seventh day (it just seemed right). However, a word of warning: Do not get behind and say, "I will catch up on day seven!" There will be activities that you will be doing as part of the program on that day. Trust me; it is better to stay up with the reading.
3) You will notice that we will read Genesis through Deuteronomy five times, each time start from a different place. This is to help us make different connections.
4) Most importantly, if you feel that you cannot keep up the pace, then make your own schedule. When I post the activities that we will do with each read through, you can simply complete one reading (Genesis-Deuteronomy) and the activity for that reading (first, second, third, etc.) before you move on to the next read through and activity.

Let me know if you have any questions. I will continue to post thoughts leading up to July 1st. I will also begin posting the instructions for the activities in the coming weeks. I look forward to your feedback.

If you have not yet responded to the previous post, I would encourage you to do so. I would like to hear any thoughts and strategies you use to read. Here is the secret: you have a strategy even if you do not realize it. Just try to put some words to it (even if you do not post it on the blog) and it will help you as you move forward.

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