Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Hiatus and Some Instructions

Let me be the first to welcome myself back. I apologize for the long hiatus. I was in a two week intensive class on the book of Revelation. I was cooped up for nine days, 4 1/2 hours per day, squirming and writhing through that wonderfully complex text.

But, I digress; it is time to unveil the instructions for the first 30 days of our six month Torah project. Without further ado, here it is:

First Read-Through: Rough Organization
  1. Note-taking paraphernalia
  2. Four to eight different colored highlighters 
  3.  A large sheet of paper (11 x 17 should do)
  1. Ignoring the chapter divisions and titles inserted by your translation of the Bible, divide the text into major sections and give them a name that will help you remember them 
    1.  For example: Genesis 1-11 as Primeval History, Leviticus 12-15 as Purity Laws, etc.
  2. Write down words that are often repeated. Record the section(s) in which they often appear. These will likely lead you to major themes of the section/book/Torah.
    1. For example: Covenant is an important throughout the Torah. Deliverance is important throughout the book of Exodus. Unclean/Clean is important in Leviticus 12-17.
  3. After you have separated all of the major sections with the themes that they contain, highlight each section that has several common themes with the same color.
  4. Draw a basic, graphic representation of the Torah. This is a creative endeavor. It is something that you should be thinking about throughout this first reading. What is the best way to organize these sections to show their interrelatedness? How do they all tie together?

As you can see, this is fairly simple. However, the detail will increase with each subsequent reading. When we begin, I will be posting each week to show what I have been doing if anyone feels completely lost. I will also be sharing some thoughts on passages that might be difficult, providing some cultural and historical background that might shed some light on the text.

I look forward to this journey.

1 comment:

  1. Primeval. Right. That's the word I would have used.

    I'm excited about this. Although, you know it's going to take me the better part of forever to figure out JUST how I want it to look.
