Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The New Schedule


I hope the Torah study was helpful and informative for you. I was not able to write as much as I had hoped through the last two reading cycles. My teaching responsibilities and some other work related obligations prevented me. Alas...

I am afraid that this semester will be even more demanding. I will be teaching three courses at Nazarene Theological Seminary: Reading the Biblical Story, Intermediate Greek, and Intermediate Hebrew. As a result, I cannot do quite as much with the blog as I had hoped. However, I am posting my new reading project for the next six months, which follows the basic idea of the Torah reading. Though I may post the occasional insight, you may have only the solidarity of a reading partner on which to rely.

The new reading cycle is called The Story of the New Testament and will involve reading through Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts, and Revelation five times.

You can access the schedule here.

I hope you enjoy it!